Thursday, 23 December 2010


What is XIML and how is it used?  Give examples.

# XIML is a technology developed purposefully for an interactive website/user interface development with flawless multimedia integration. It gives a standard mechanism for applications and tools to interchange interaction data and to interoperate within integrated user-interface engineering processes, from design, to operation, to evaluation. It is a simple markup language enabling functionality previously available only with complex programmed applications. It is a universal known technology appropriate for creating full featured websites, mini-sites, widgets, GUI in desktop applications, touch screens, etc.
            In order to effectively define a representation mechanism for interaction data, it is necessary to clearly establish the requirements of such a representation in terms of expressiveness, scope, and underlying support technologies. And these requirements are as follows:
·         The language must enable a comprehensive, structured storage mechanism for interaction data
·         The language must enable support functionality throughout the complete lifecycle of a user interface.
·         It must be able to exemplify the abstract aspects of a user interface such as the specific widgets that are to be displayed on a screen.
·         It must effectively relate a variety of elements captured within the scope of its representation
It is also known to be as the easiest way to build interactive websites. It is for support of functionality across the entire lifecycle of a user interface: design, development, operation, management, organization, and evaluation. It is so simple that everyone can easily understand and implement without limitations. Below is the example of a simple function:
 <el eltype="txt" x="30" y="30" datatype="static" dataval="Kshitij Munankami" font="Arial" color="blue" size="20" bold="true" embedFonts="true" _rotation="5" letterSpacing="5"/>

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